Amazing Wonder

Weekend Series: Friends

DreamTeam Writer: Jaron Camp

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Junior P. Cephas was known for jumping the tracks to beat trains. Twice, his car sat in the direct path of a train, once due to falling asleep while driving and a second time when his vehicle broke down. Both times he survived the impact and continued on with such reckless behavior. Depending on the person, this story might seem like a coincidence, but to have it happen twice in one lifetime deserves a more spiritual answer.

My grandfather, Junior, warned me of the dangers of his behavior. I won’t say whether I listened to the warnings, but I heard of the amazing ways my grandfather escaped “certain” death throughout his life. While serving in WWII, he watched his childhood best friend die while he was spared, and then Junior walked away from yet another car accident where his vehicle flipped over a guardrail off the side of a highway. During the Civil Rights era, my grandfather was on trial for a crime he didn’t commit, and the all-white jury sent him home.

I’m only scratching the surface, but that’s too many “coincidences” to chalk things up to good luck. The odds were stacked against him each time. Each outcome was a moment to thank God for his amazing grace.

Acts 2:43
A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders.

This past weekend, Andy said we tend to believe that things just happen instead of acknowledging God’s involvement. Why is it difficult to be amazed by the unexplainable? It’s a chance to open our eyes to God’s intended beauty in this world. It’s a way to experience God through community. How do non-believers find their way to Christ? How did you? The remarkable things we see when we pay attention bring us closer to God, and sharing those stories helps others open their eyes.

Years later, my grandfather finally lost his license after hitting a pizza delivery car. Amazingly the other car had minimal damage, while his was totaled. Also amazingly, my grandfather survived the accident.

Just as a family we stopped to be amazed at my grandfather’s miraculous deliverance, so you should take time to marvel at the way God has worked in your life, and the lives of your church family.

How can your amazing stories inspire awe of God in others?

When was the last time you were amazed?

How have you watched God make the impossible possible?

Next Steps:
Go to the CedarCreek app and share your story so others can see the extraordinary in what you see as ordinary. Take the time to experience your church life instead of simply going to church. This summer, join a Group and plan to participate in Serve Day.

Lord, thank you for loving me. I am empty without knowing who I am in you. God, forgive me for the times I see your beauty as just another day. I was blind until your love opened up my eyes to the amazing things you offer. Amen.

Series Theme Verse:

Proverbs 17:17 ESV
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

Today’s post was written by Jaron Camp, a regular contributor to the LivingItOut Devotional.

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