Are you there God? 6 Things To Do When God Seems Silent - Part II

Church Community: Kelly Pagel

Friday, March 15, 2024

Last week we explored a couple ideas to navigate the seasons where God seems silent. If you didn’t have a chance to read that article, I encourage you to begin there.

This week we will unpack four additional ways to navigate “faith deserts”. Remember, these seasons are part of the journey, and God’s silence doesn’t mean he isn’t with you.

Pray and Praise
Although it may seem fruitless or frustrating, these quiet times are excellent opportunities to pray and praise. We see this example set in many of the Psalms such as Psalm 4, Psalm 13, and Psalm 22, which Jesus himself prayed on the cross.

Ask Questions
These seasons are a perfect time to ask God what he is trying to teach you. Our Abba wants a relationship with us, and the best relationships are built on communication. As you enter into prayer, feel free to ask God what this is with questions such as:

  • What are you trying to teach me, God?
  • What are you calling me to today?
  • Is there something I should know?

Listen in Silence
Communication involves both asking and listening, so make plenty of space for silence and solitude. Carve out time each day to sit, focus on Jesus, and listen. Invite him to speak to you, and then quiet your mind and wait. Realize this may not come as an audible voice, but might be more of a sensing. It can be challenging to settle into a practice of silence as the mind has a tendency to jump to 100 other things. If this happens, gently bring your focus back to Jesus, and wait with an expectant heart.

Finally, surround yourself with others who will support you with the practices above. God may also use these people to speak encouragement into your life during this season and remind you of God’s faithfulness and love.

Corrie ten Boom once said, “He hides us under the shadow of his wings (Psalm 17:8*), therefore sometimes the darkness is because his presence is so near.”

These seasons, while not easy, offer a tremendous opportunity to grow in patience and perseverance. Be encouraged and remain steadfast in your faith. Continue to practice what you’ve learned, and in his perfect timing, you will come out of the desert on the other side with a stronger faith and deeper love for God than before.

*Scripture reference added

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