Discover & Influence Friends

Weekend Series: Friends

DreamTeam Writer: Connie Disbro

Thursday, May 16, 2024

If you are anything like me, making friends is difficult. Being naturally introverted, the idea of initiating a conversation with someone new can make me feel uncomfortable. Over the years, I have found the best way for me to form friendships is through observation.

By observing those around us, we can identify individuals who share our interests, values, and capacity for empathy. Personally, I have found that group settings, such as church groups, provide an ideal environment. It is within these groups that I have been fortunate enough to encounter various friends, each resonating with different stages of my life’s journey. Currently, I am actively involved in two groups at CedarCreek!

Jesus also found companionship within groups. His relationship with his twelve disciples, whom he met with regularly, is the most famous example. He served as a teacher, mentor, and friend, investing time to truly understand each disciple. In moments of need, such as before his crucifixion, Jesus surrounded himself with this circle of support, recognizing and demonstrating the strength of community.

We are called to be Christ to others. Jesus instructed his disciples to carry on his work. The disciple Andrew was not only known for being one of the first followers of Jesus but also for his missionary travels after Jesus was crucified. Peter was a leader in the early church. Even Thomas, who doubted Jesus’ resurrection, traveled across the middle east, eventually ending up in India, where the Mar Thoma Christian tradition considers him to be their founder.

The wisdom found in Hebrews 10:24-25 resonates deeply when looking at the disciples’ journeys after Christ’s crucifixion.

Hebrews 10:24-25
24 Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. 25 And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.

These verses underscore the importance of community, urging us to not only come together but also uplift and inspire one another along our journeys, just like Christ did.

Uplifting and inspiring others is part of what makes life with Jesus rich and satisfying. Follow in Jesus’ footsteps and build community into your life.

Who do you consider your best friends?

How have you deepened those relationships over time?

Have you felt uncomfortable making friends in the past?

Next Steps:
Consider joining a Summer Group at CedarCreek. There are many to choose from, so you will likely discover one that is a great fit! The Groups directory opens May 25th.

If you can’t attend a Group this summer due to travels, consider downloading a Bible app, like “Holy Bible,” and doing a Bible study with some friends.

Dear God, you gave me Jesus, who showed me the importance of surrounding myself with a loyal and supportive group. Jesus, just like me, you faced challenges in your life. Yet you choose not to struggle alone, instead leaning on your disciples. Then before returning to the Father, you commissioned and deployed your disciples to continue the work you began. Help me be like your disciples and encourage others with your Good News. Amen.

Series Theme Verse:

Proverbs 17:17 ESV
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

Today’s post was written by Connie Disbro, a regular contributor to the LivingItOut Devotional.

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