Fight the Minutiae

Weekend Series: The End

DreamTeam Writer: Karen Peck

Friday, August 23, 2024

Some of us, myself included, get so caught up and overwhelmed with the details of an event that we lose focus and aren’t ready for it when the day comes.

Personally, I’m thinking about prepping for an extended visit from my precious Tennessee family members. And when I say “prepping,” I mean suddenly noticing piles of “stuff” and clutter not in its proper place. Every area of my house seems to suddenly scream for attention as I focus on the details—the minute details—of my housekeeping skills, or lack thereof. And with the traveling distance from Tennessee being so variable, their time of arrival is an estimate, at best. It causes me to wonder why that stuff hadn’t seemed out of place before my preparations began.

It’s no different when discussions surface about the return of Christ—our beloved savior. Focusing on the details of his return undoubtedly causes endless questions to surface.

When will he return? What will happen when he returns? Where will he return? Will Jesus' followers be raptured? What’s the difference between post-tribulation and pre-tribulation?

The questions go on and on, as does the list of various “End-Time Conclusions.” This overthinking cycle can side-track the most faithful of followers. The need to know every detail of his return easily becomes an obsession when our focus is misplaced. If we aren’t intentional, the big picture quickly fades into the background of our priorities.

As Jesus followers, we would do well to heed his words:

Matthew 24:44
“You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected.”

Keeping our focus on the big picture—being ready when he returns—helps us focus on what is promised. We know this for sure: Jesus will come back, evil will be destroyed (Romans 16:20), and the new heavens and earth will begin (2 Peter 3:13).

Have you only been focusing on the details of Jesus’ return, or have you been readying yourself?

Do you focus too much on smaller issues at the expense of looking at the big picture? What steps can you take to declutter your thoughts and brain from overthinking?

Next Steps:
Talk to God. Ask him to help you focus on being ready for his return instead of on the details you have no say in or control over. Remember the one thing you can participate in—being ready for his return. Refuse to allow others to pull you into the weeds of details.

21 Days of Prayer - Day 12

Focus:  The Economy and Businesses (Philippians 4:19)

Heavenly Father, thank you for each business that makes up the economy of our community and region. You know the details of each one, and we pray they are firmly established in you. May their work reflect your generous heart. We ask you to show them great favor. Give each business leader your wisdom through the challenges and opportunities placed before them and may whatever they put their hand to have a legacy of eternal impact for your glory and the good of our community. Amen.

Series Theme Verse:

Hebrews 3:14
For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ.

Today’s post was written by Karen Peck, a regular contributor to the LivingItOut devotional.

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