
Weekend Series: At the Movies

DreamTeam Writer: Julie Estep

Monday, November 13, 2023

Our selection for At the Movies this weekend, Devotion, is based on the true story of Ensign Jesse Brown, an African American Naval Pilot, and his wingman, Lieutenant Tom Hudner. Despite that they came from very different backgrounds, Jesse and Tom ultimately developed a deep friendship after they were thrown together by assignment during the Korean War. Although at the time, this was not typical due to the fact that Jesse was African American and Tom was Caucasian, ultimately they opted to look past their differences and decided to honor, serve, and get to know one another.

Jesus taught us to love, honor, serve, forgive, and bear one another's burdens—to accept others right where they are. We must look beyond a person’s presentation and give them a safe space to see what’s going on under the surface. What hurts and scars do they carry, what battles are they fighting, what’s it costing them?

James 1:19
Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry.

We live in a self-centered society where people often share their experiences. The question becomes, are you listening? Do you share? Are you the one who can be counted on, or do you just want to count on others? Can you risk your own comfort for a friend, or is it easier to just push people away?

John 15:13
There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

It's through our love for others that people will know we are God’s children.

Because God created us, took on a human form in Jesus, and lived among us, he knows us, he sees us, and he has compassion for us. Jesus taught us that we need each other, and we need to trust, love, and encourage one another. In doing so, our lives are enriched with purpose and we can focus on what’s really important—God’s unconditional love. If this is your motivation when you reach out to others, you will walk away feeling like you’ve gained more than you’ve given.

John 13:35
Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.

Do you practice active listening? Are you vulnerable enough to share your experiences with one another?

Next Steps:
Prayerfully consider reaching out to someone this week and make an effort to learn more about them. Be vulnerable and share something personal.

Continue reading the LivingItOut this week as we dive deeper into the meaning of friendship and learn to love as Jesus loves each of us.

Check out the Flash Fiction story that parallels the theme of this week’s movie. You can find it directly after this post, on the homepage of our app, or text Fiction to 419-419-0707, to have it delivered directly to your phone.

Lord Jesus, you call me to be a light in a dark world. Help me to see others as you do so that I can help meet their needs. And help me to be vulnerable and humble to allow others into my life to help meet my own needs. I love you and I thank you for the opportunities to grow in my faith and share it with others. Amen.

Series Theme Verse:

Romans 1:20
For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.

This post was written by Julie Estep, a regular contributor to the LivingItOut Devotional.

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