Hope it Helps

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Monday, February 28, 2022

Is there a season any more “Get Me Outta Here” in NW OH than right now? We need sunshine, ASAP!

There are times in our lives that give us those “get me outta here” feelings too, and it’s not about the weather. We’re stuck in an awkward conversation, a moment we just wish would end, or what seems like an impossible situation. That’s when we find ourselves hoping for any way out — even hope that there is a way out, and it can’t come fast enough.

As a church, we want to be intentional about offering hope, encouragement, and help in this season to those who are having a “get me outta here” moment so they know they matter to God! How can you offer hope?

Offer Hope!


Ask God who you can specifically offer hope, encouragement, or help to this week.

-Notice the Moment-

Be intentional about noticing if a friend, family member, co-worker, neighbor or someone you know finds themselves somewhere they don’t want to be, or is experiencing a “get me outta here” moment.

-Offer Hope-

Step in and offer hope, encouragement, and help for the moment. Use the card we gave out this weekend or print this out to give along with it.
(This doesn't have to be big! See the examples below.)


Do this each week, for 4 weeks, to offer hope and help for those “Get Me Outta Here” moments! Imagine the impact!

What does a "Hope it Helps" moment look like?

  • A co-worker spills their morning coffee in their car... >> You run and grab a new coffee for them (or a bag of coffee).
  • You know a friend is facing a difficult meeting... >> Text them ahead of time with a prayer of encouragement and hope.
  • A friend had a crummy shift... >> You pick up flowers and deliver them with a kind note.
  • A family member struggled through a challenge at school or work... >> You pick up their favorite salty snack and drop it off with encouraging words.

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