It Gets Better

Weekend Series: Promises, Promises

DreamTeam Writer: Casey Stengel

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

No one likes to hear “not yet.” I know I don't. My not yet was a little different though. It was a selfish not yet, but I wasn't ready for my dad to leave this world.

Everything happens for a reason, though, right? Or so they say. What was the purpose of my dad getting cancer? Maybe it was for me to see someone take the news and sickness so gracefully. When he was diagnosed, he didn't get upset or mad, which was so weird to me. He wasn't scared at all, at least when I was around.

I think I finally understand now what my dad understood then: God had something better in mind for him. Eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven—no pain, sickness, or problems (Revelation 21:4; Isaiah 60:20). His old life here was over and his new life (his real life) with Christ began on February 27th. That event marked a new way of life for me too, but it wasn't of God, so it wasn’t better. In my grief, I just couldn’t see how anything would get better.

But God had something better in mind for me too. I just didn’t see it coming.

Hebrews 11:39-40
39 All these people earned a good reputation because of their faith, yet none of them received all that God had promised. 40 For God had something better in mind for us, so that they would not reach perfection without us.

Trust me, finding faith is a struggle for some of us, but I can say with certainty that when I put my faith in Jesus, the things that were weighing me down became so much easier to bear. Jesus said, “the burden I give you is light” (Matthew 11:30), and when I finally placed my faith in him, I physically felt something lighten and change within me.

My dad’s passing was really difficult then, and it still hurts at times. Thankfully, my faith equips me to deal with it. I just need to remember it was God’s plan, and I don't need to know all the details to know that his plans are always good. Because of the transformation that putting my faith in Jesus brought me, I’ve made it my purpose to spread God’s hope and love to as many people as I can.

God promises that there is something better for us. Pastor Andy’s bottom line from last weekend was “God will make right what is not all right.” Unfortunately, this does not always mean right now, or even in our lifetime. But God promises he will make things better. Many of us will face struggles throughout our entire lives, but if we keep our eyes on Jesus and pursue our God-given purpose here on earth, we can always look forward to our perfect eternity with him.

What do you do when you're told something happened for a reason? Can you find purpose in what's happening around you even if you can’t find a reason?

Next Steps:
Find your purpose by attending GrowthTrack. Share your story with others so that they may find faith and know that something better is waiting just around the corner.

God, let my purpose lead others to find theirs. While I’m here now, help me know that what you have waiting for me is better. Show me how to use my faith to grow so that I can fill the cups of my family and friends with your love. It’s your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, so that we can spend eternity with you. Also, I pray that Andy sees he's not actually dumb. Help us both learn the wisdom that comes from the pain of impulsive actions. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Series Theme Verse:

2 Peter 1:4
And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.

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