Looking Ahead - 09.15.2024

Weekend Series: Stronger than Stress

DreamTeam Writer: Kelly Pagel

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Have you ever thought of stress as the enemy?

But what if it wasn’t? What if, instead, you viewed stress as an opportunity for joy and growth?

Throughout Scripture, we are reminded that, although life will not be easy, trials are an opportunity to draw closer to God.

Today, spend time reflecting on the following questions and consider how God might be wanting to grow you through your stress.

Discussion Questions:

  • Icebreaker: What do you do to find peace when you are stressed?
  • What is it the world tells people will bring them peace?
  • Read James 1:2-4. What do you learn about stress from these verses?
  • Read Galatians 5:22-23. Which of these is God trying to build in you?

Is there a stressor in your life that you are ready to view not as an enemy but as an opportunity to grow this fruit? Explain.

Lord, change my perspective. I am prone to desire being rid of stress as quickly as possible. Instead, help me to use stressful periods as a time to draw closer to you. Help me to surrender to what it is you want to teach me as you sculpt me into your image. Your word promises that, although I will experience troubles, you have overcome all of them. Help me rest in that truth and draw closer to you. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Series Theme Verse:

Ephesians 3:16-17
1617 Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.

This post was written by Kelly Pagel, Director of the LivingItOut.

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