Mark 15: Fellowship Restored

Weekend Series: Mark Reading Plan

DreamTeam Writer: Julie Mabus

Thursday, March 28, 2024

In the beginning, God created man to have intimate fellowship with him. We read in Genesis that God walked in the garden with Adam and Eve. However, when sin entered the world, the fellowship between God and man was broken. We are separated from a holy God due to our sins.

After the exodus from Egypt, God dwelt with his people in the Holy of Holies, located first in the Tabernacle, and then later, in the temple. In this place, the people knew that God was among them, but they were unable to come into his presence due to their sins. The Holy of Holies was separated from the rest of the temple by a thick curtain. This curtain was to protect the people from the presence of God. On the Day of Atonement, after going through intense cleansing rituals, the high priest was allowed to enter into God’s presence to offer a sacrifice for the sins of the people. This system of worship continued until Jesus’ death.  

Mark 15:37-38
37 Then Jesus uttered another loud cry and breathed his last. 38 And the curtain in the sanctuary of the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. 

These verses are easy to overlook, but they are highly significant. The curtain in the Temple kept a holy God apart from his sinful people. When the curtain was torn, it opened up full access to the presence of God. We can now enter into God’s presence without fear. Jesus, when he died, took away the stain of sin and through his blood washed us clean. We are no longer estranged from God. Fellowship was restored. Through Jesus, we can walk with God as we are intended to. 

We still live in a sin-ridden world, but when we accept the gift Jesus gave us, we can experience God in a real and personal way. We can walk with God, and he will live in us. This is what Jesus’ blood brought us—intimate fellowship with the Father.

Revelation 21:3 ESV
And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God.”

Have you ever considered what it means to dwell with God? Are you living your life in a way that honors the sacrifice of Jesus to restore you to fellowship with the Father?

Next Steps: 
Read Revelation 21 and meditate on what it means to dwell in the presence of God. When you go through your day, remember that God is with you, helping you to obey and follow him.

Father, thank you for seeking to dwell with your people. Thank you for restoring our relationship with you. Remind us that you are with us and helping us to obey your word. Thank you for sending your Son to take our punishment. Thank you for your grace. Amen.

This post was written by Julie Mabus, a regular contributor to the LivingItOut Devotional.

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