Mark 8: Jesus: The Healer

Weekend Series: Mark Reading Plan

DreamTeam Writer: Marsha Raymond

Read Mark 8

Friday, March 15, 2024

As I read Mark 8:22-26, I became aware of how my thoughts and ways are nothing like God’s thoughts and ways (Isaiah 55:8-9). I was left with so many questions. 

Why did Jesus lead the man away by himself (Mark 8:23)? 

Why did Jesus heal the man by spitting in his eyes (Mark 8:23)? (That’s pretty disgusting.) 

Why didn’t Jesus heal the man on the first try (Mark 8:24)?

After searching for and reading other people’s thoughts on these verses, I concluded that all of Jesus' actions in those verses show his great and deep love for the blind man and his great love for each of us. 

First, Jesus took the man by the hand and led him out of the village. Jesus, the Messiah, spent time with the man, touched him, spoke to him, and showed him great compassion. Jesus wasn’t in a rush to get back to more important things. He was truly interested in the man's needs—his physical needs of course, but more importantly, his spiritual needs. 

Jesus feels the same way about us. He wants to meet us where we are and heal us. He wants to draw us into a close relationship with him.

We don’t know why Jesus didn’t heal the man on the first attempt, but we can be confident that he had a very good reason. I can definitely sympathize with the man, though. I know that when I am going through something really tough, I want Jesus to resolve it immediately. I am embarrassed to admit I want him to handle it my way and in my time. I don’t want to wait for him and his timing. 

Thankfully, as I have grown closer to Jesus and reflected on those times, I have realized that Jesus was working during my wait. Jesus’ plans are perfect. He worked things out better than I imagined or hoped for. This realization has only increased my faith in him. 

Jesus loves us so much! He wants us to lean on him during the tough times. He wants us to realize our great need for him because he wants to be our healer … our Savior. 

Praise God!

What do you need to be healed from? How are you trusting Jesus while you wait?

How has Jesus healed you in the past? How has that increased your faith?

Next Steps:
Meditate on Mark 8:22-26. Imagine you are the blind man and Jesus is leading you by the hand, speaking to you, and showing you great compassion. Journal your thoughts on the interaction.

Jesus, I praise and worship you. You love me so much that you take me by the hand and lead me during the good times and the hard ones. You comfort me and heal me when I am struggling. I have faith that you are working miracles while I am waiting. I know your plan is perfect, and I trust you. Amen.

This post was written by Marsha Raymond, a regular contributor to the LivingItOut Devotional.

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