Wednesday, March 12, 2025
New Testament Reading Plan: Matthew 3
Matthew 3:1-2
1In those days John the Baptist came to the Judean wilderness and began preaching. His message was, 2“Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.”
In Matthew 3, we encounter John the Baptist, a prophet in the Judean wilderness. His message is simple yet profound: “Repent … for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.” This serves as a wake-up call, urging people to turn from their ways and prepare for the arrival of the Messiah.
John’s presence in the wilderness is significant. The wilderness, a place of desolation and barrenness, symbolizes the spiritual state of all people—disconnected from God, longing for direction, and in need of hope. Yet, it is in this very wilderness that John’s voice echoes, reminding us that God meets us in our most desolate places. It is in the wilderness where we are stripped of distractions and hear God’s voice clearly.
Who is our John the Baptist today? Who is the voice in our wilderness calling us back to God? It might be a friend who speaks truth into our lives, even when it’s uncomfortable. It could be a sermon that stirs something within us, urging us to make a change. Or perhaps it’s a moment of reflection, where God’s Spirit gently nudges us toward repentance and transformation.
The word “repent” in the original Greek is metanoia, which literally means to change one’s mind or direction. It’s a turning away from sin and a turning toward God, a realignment of our lives with his will. John’s message challenges us to turn away from anything that hinders our relationship with God and to embrace the fullness of life that Jesus offers.
As we consider John’s message today, let’s remember that the kingdom of heaven is near. God’s presence is not distant or far-off; it is in our midst, ready to break into our lives if we allow it. It is an invitation to draw nearer to him, experience his grace, and live out the purpose he has for our lives. The wilderness may be daunting, but it is also a place of profound encounter—a place where God’s transformative power can turn our desolation into new beginnings.
Let’s be attentive to the modern-day voices that God places in our lives, those who like John, point us back to him. The kingdom of heaven is near—be ready to receive it!
Who is the "voice in the wilderness" in your life? Are you responding to their call to draw closer to God?
In what areas of your life do you need to allow God's transformative power to bring new beginnings?
Next Steps:
This week, take time to identify and reach out to someone who has been a spiritual voice in your life. Thank them for their guidance, and ask God to help you respond to the truth they’ve shared with you. Pray for the people whom God has placed in your life for you to be their spiritual voice. Ask God to lead your actions and your words with them so that they may grow deeper in their relationship with him.
Lord, thank you for the spiritual voices and mentors you’ve placed in my life to guide me back to you. Help me to hear your call clearly, especially during my wilderness moments. Transform my heart and mind so that I may fully embrace your kingdom. I trust that you are near, and I ask for the courage to follow wherever you lead. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Series Theme Verse:
Ephesians 4:29
Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.
This post was written by Monique Myers, a Perrysburg attendee and regular contributor to the LivingItOut.