Nurture Your Potential

Weekend Series: Power to Change

DreamTeam Writer: Monique Myers

Monday, February 5, 2024

Welcome to the fifth and final week of our series, The Power to Change. Today, let's explore the profound truth that transformation is not about surface-level modifications but about allowing the Spirit to work within us, cultivating change from the inside out—one step at a time.

In Luke 13:6-9, Jesus shares a poignant story about a man and his fig tree. Picture a well-tended garden where a hopeful man plants a fig tree, eagerly anticipating the sweet fruit it would bear. Yet, year after year, disappointment sets in as the tree remains barren. Frustrated, the man directs his gardener to cut it down.

The gardener, both compassionate and patient, intervenes. Instead of giving up on the seemingly unproductive tree, he asks for one more chance.

Luke 13:8-9
8 “The gardener answered, ‘Sir, give it one more chance. Leave it another year, and I’ll give it special attention and plenty of fertilizer. 9 If we get figs next year, fine. If not, then you can cut it down.’”

The gardener believes in the potential for transformation, willing to invest his time and attention to see the fig tree thrive.

This beautifully mirrors our own journey of transformation. In life, we may find ourselves in seasons of stagnation or disappointment. Perhaps, like the fig tree, we've faced challenges, setbacks, or unmet expectations. But Jesus, the ultimate gardener, sees beyond our current state. With unwavering love, he recognizes our potential and offers us the necessary care, nourishment, and time for growth.

Can you remember a time when you struggled with feelings of inadequacy? Chances are, the expectations you placed on yourself, and the pressures of the world, left you feeling barren, like the fig tree. Disheartened, you may have considered cutting down certain dreams, relationships, or even aspects of yourself, believing they had no value.

In these moments of despair, trust that, like the gardener patiently tending to the fig tree, Jesus is working within you, nurturing your potential for growth. Through seemingly ordinary events—a comforting conversation with a friend, a timely word of encouragement during a Bible study, or a moment of quiet reflection—he will provide the nourishment you need for spiritual transformation. Slowly but surely, you will begin to see small, deliberate changes in your perspective, your relationships, and your sense of self-worth.

Bottom line: Commit to getting 1% better today!

Can you relate to the man’s struggle and the transformative touch of the gardener from this story in Scripture? Are there areas in your life where disappointment has taken root, leaving you tempted to cut them down?

Next Steps:
Commit to making a 1% improvement today. Identify one small, deliberate change you can make. It could be extending kindness to yourself, choosing gratitude in challenging moments, or investing time in a relationship that feeds your soul.

Father, as I reflect on the story of the fig tree, I acknowledge the areas in my life that need your transformative touch. Today, I commit to making small, deliberate changes, trusting that your Spirit is at work within me. Help me embrace the process of growth and allow your patience and wisdom to guide me. Thank you for being the gardener who sees my potential and offers a practical path to transformation. In Jesus' name, I pray, amen.

Series Theme Verse:

2 Peter 1:3
By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence.

Today’s post was written by Monique Myers, a regular contributor to the LivingItOut.

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