“Perfect” Christians

Weekend Series: Losing My Religion

DreamTeam Writer: Julie Estep

Monday, April 29, 2024

Can you think of someone who attends church every Sunday, tithes, prays, doesn’t drink, smoke, cuss, or hang out in bars, but they are often gossiping about “low life” people in town? 

They may feel justified in looking down on others, but the truth is we are all sinners! Sin separates us from God, but self-righteousness and a lack of humility toward Christ builds on that fissure. 

Humbling ourselves before God and recognizing who he is brings us back into a right relationship with him. We are each but a small piece of God’s beautiful puzzle. 

Luke 18:14
“I tell you, this sinner, not the Pharisee, returned home justified before God. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

In Luke 18:9-14, the Pharisee boasted about his righteousness and looked down on others; he didn’t see himself having any blemish or sin to confess. The story doesn’t tell us what sins the tax collector committed, just that he knew he was a sinner. He beat his chest and asked for forgiveness. 

Thankfully, I was invited to church by someone who knew they were a sinner. They wanted to share the love of Christ and give me the same opportunity of forgiveness only God can offer. When I learned that God accepts us for who we are, I was drawn to him.  

But God didn’t leave me the way he found me. I’ve been growing and learning ever since I entered into a relationship with him. I endeavor to remember that each of us is at a different point of the same journey, one that really never ends this side of heaven. Although we may not carry the sins we did when we first came to Christ, we still mess up and need his forgiveness. Thankfully, Christ paid for it all on the cross.

Sin reminds me of those pesky weeds that sprout up in my garden. I pull them out, but new ones grow. I will always be learning and correcting and growing. That’s what keeps my relationship with God ongoing, and why I need to stay connected. Because the times I’ve disconnected from God, it was like taking my glasses off … I couldn’t see those weeds!  

Bottom Line: It is not our sin that separates us from God, it is our self righteousness.

Where are you on your journey? Have there been times when you behaved more like the Pharisee than the tax collector?  

Next Steps: 
Consider writing down or journaling your answers to the above questions. In humility confess the times you have been more like the Pharisee, and ask God to grow you more into his likeness. 

Lord, thank you for inviting me into your family. Thank you for being in a relationship with me. Open my eyes and heart so that I may see where sin has a hold on my life. Use me, Lord, to grow your Kingdom and to glorify your name. I am so grateful that you have me on this journey with you. Allow me to be your hands and feet and do the work you have created for me to do. I praise you and worship you in Jesus’ name, amen.

Series Theme Verse:
Romans 6:14
Sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the freedom of God’s grace.

This post was written by Julie Estep, a regular contributor to the LivingItOut Devotional.

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