So, What’s Next?

Weekend Series: The Power to Change

DreamTeam Writer: Isabelle Billnitzer

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

What matters most in life?

That is a question many people, me included, have pondered at least once in their lifetime. From an early age we are encouraged and taught to figure out our lives and what matters most to us. In the world’s eyes, these are often superficial things, like having a lot of money, owning a fancy car, or having a successful career.

While these things aren’t bad, I have found that such things never truly satisfy me. Whenever I achieve a goal, I fall into the cycle of thinking “what’s next?” and leave feeling underwhelmed, chasing the next big thing. How do we escape this?

Romans 8:6-7
6 So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. 7 For the sinful nature is always hostile to God. It never did obey God’s laws, and it never will.

The Bible teaches us a better way. When we devote our lives and our desires to Christ, the Holy Spirit transforms our hearts from the inside out, guiding us to the things that matter most. Because following God’s perfect will leads us to the things that fill us with a sense of hope and contentment rather than the hopelessness and discontent we get from constantly chasing worldly things. It is the Holy Spirit who gives us the power to make better choices and leads us on the path to what truly matters most in our lives. Instant gratification will no longer fulfill us, and the restless feeling of chasing the next thing will seem less important.

Following God’s will can often seem frightening or difficult, but remember he gives us the power through the Holy Spirit to do hard things that lead to lasting, life-giving rewards. If we keep pursuing God and focusing on his will, our hearts’ desires will change, and we will be filled with purpose. As we do, the longing for things which offer us immediate gratification begins to fade.

Let us go about our days trusting God's promise that the Holy Spirit will transform our hearts and desires from the inside out.

What matters to you most in your life right now?

When was the last time you traded instant gratification to achieve a long-term goal?

Next Steps:
This week, give up one source of instant gratification and devote a specific time each day to spending it with God.

Join a Group this semester to connect with other Jesus followers who will encourage you on your journey to seek lasting rewards.

Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to me, to guide me in following your will. Please give me the strength to follow you and trade immediate gratification for meaningful, life-giving rewards that will draw me closer to you. Allow the Holy Spirit to work in my life to transform my heart’s desires into what you desire for me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Series Theme Verse:

2 Peter 1:3
By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence.

This post was written by Isabelle Billnitzer, a regular contributor to the LivingItOut devotional.

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