The Endgame!

Weekend Series: The End

DreamTeam Writer: Ned Miller

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

If you are like me, you have wondered what the end will be like, contemplating what will take place and if you are ready.

It is natural to have questions about the end … of our lives … and the world. For me, it is troubling to have questions with no answers. Many times, when I’ve voiced those questions to others, the answer is, “no one knows” or “only God knows.”

Most assuredly, God knows exactly what will happen and when. He has a plan, an endgame, so to speak. In 2022, NBC introduced a series called The Endgame, in which a criminal mastermind, Elena Federova, orchestrated seven New York City bank heists simultaneously. In this show, havoc and panic reigned over the city and its officials.

Many of us believe the end of the world will be a similarly chaotic and fearful time. And according to Jesus, it will be challenging. In the book of Matthew, we get some insight about the panic that will spread at the end of the world.

Matthew 24:12
“Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold.”

Wow! This seems, to me, very much like the world today. Yet the Bible says it is only the beginning. These things will become much more intense than we can possibly imagine. There will most likely come a time when Christians in our own country, who now enjoy the freedom of expressing their faith publicly, will be persecuted and arrested for doing so. Seems rather scary, gloomy, and hopeless, huh?

So what do we do, sit and wait until the end and hope for the best?

No! As Christians, our hope is in Jesus, who will never let us down.

Matthew 24:13
“But the one who endures to the end will be saved.”

This one promise gives us all the hope we need. There will be trials and tribulations. It is easy to get caught up in fear, worry, and focusing on what’s going on around us, but Jesus says to stay true to his teaching and continue doing his work in the midst of everything.

We can trust in God’s love and know that his “endgame” is the best possible plan.

If the end of the world were to come tomorrow, would you be ready to face it?

Is your faith strong enough to withstand the trials you may face?

Next Steps:
Continue to build your faith through prayer and studying God’s Word.

Be sure to engage with all of The End series to gain better insight into what we can expect and how we can prepare.

Share the Good News of Jesus with others.

21 Days of Prayer - Day 10

Focus:  Marriages and Families (Colossians 3:14)

Gracious God, you are the source of all good things and the giver of every perfect gift. I pray for the marriages in our communities today, that they may be filled with your spirit and your peace. Help spouses to love and respect each other with kindness and patience, and to build their relationship on you and your word. Teach them to seek you first in everything and to trust you with their challenges and decisions. May our marriages reflect your glory and grace. Amen.

Series Theme Verse:

Hebrews 3:1
For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ.

Today’s post was written by Ned Miller, a regular contributor to the LivingItOut devotional.

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