The Power of Words

Weekend Series: I Said This, You Heard That

DreamTeam Writer: Monique Myers

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

New Testament Reading Plan: Romans 12

Words matter. They shape thoughts, direct actions, and define relationships. Beyond that, words are central to how God reveals himself to us. Our words carry identity, purpose, and divine presence.

John 1:1
"In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God."

We see this in our daily lives. A simple “I love you” can restore confidence in a relationship. A sincere “I’m proud of you” can give someone the courage to keep going when they feel like giving up. On the other hand, a harsh “You’ll never succeed” or an offhand “You always mess things up” can leave scars that last for years. Our words have the ability to breathe life into others or drain them of joy and hope.

The way each person perceives the intention behind our words varies because of our own individual lived experiences. The same phrase can be received in vastly different ways depending on a person’s background and past wounds. Telling someone “You did a great job, but here’s what you can improve” might feel constructive to one person, yet to another, it could feel like a reminder of past failures. A simple “I’ll call you later” might be heard as reassurance by one person but as abandonment by someone who has experienced broken trust.

This is why choosing our words and tone wisely is so important. God calls us to reflect his love and truth when we speak to others. If our words reflect his heart, they must be full of grace, patience, and understanding. We should take time to consider how our words might be received, ensuring that we build bridges instead of walls.

Every interaction we have is an opportunity to introduce others to God’s love and encourage them to pursue a relationship with him. We have the ability to plant seeds that lead them closer to Christ. On the other hand, our words also have the power to tear down and destroy that very same relationship with him. A thoughtless remark, a moment of impatience, or an unkind comment can create barriers that keep others from experiencing God’s love.

Let’s walk through this life with a conscious realization of the weight our words carry. If God chooses to be known as the Word, then the words we choose should reflect his truth, his grace, and his love.

How do your words reflect God’s love and truth in your daily interactions? Are there areas where you need to be more intentional about speaking with grace and understanding?

Think about a recent conversation—how might the other person have perceived your words differently than you intended? What can you do to ensure your words build bridges rather than walls?

Next Steps:
Take the color assessment in the app. Understanding how God uniquely wired you can help you become more aware of how your words impact others. Let’s commit to using words that reflect his heart and draw others closer to him.

Heavenly Father, thank you for revealing yourself as the Word and for showing me the power that words carry. I know that what I say has the ability to build up or tear down, to bring life or cause harm. Help me to choose my words wisely, speaking with grace, love, and understanding. Give me a heart that reflects yours so that my words point others to your truth. When I am tempted to speak carelessly, remind me to pause and consider the impact of my words. Let my speech be a reflection of your kindness and love, drawing others closer to you. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Series Theme Verse:

Proverbs 18:21
“The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.”

This post was written by Monique Myers, a Perrysburg attendee and regular contributor to the LivingItOut.

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