This Truth Sets Us Free

Weekend Series: Titus Reading Plan

DreamTeam Writer: Lauri White

Monday, July 29, 2024

Titus 1:2
This truth gives them confidence that they have eternal life, which God—who does not lie—promised them before the world began.

I don't know about you, but when I see “This truth…” I want to know, “What truth?” The answer is found in the previous verse:

Titus 1:1
I (Paul) have been sent to proclaim faith to those God has chosen, and to teach them to know the truth that shows them how to live godly lives.

That truth. Okay, it’s still pretty confusing, which I’m guessing is why Paul and Titus need to teach it. The truth is that when we faithfully accept the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we receive a new nature that lives for God, not for sin. This truth gives us confidence of eternal life with God, a promise he made before the world began.

I think it's interesting that Paul feels the need to remind us that God does not lie. God's character is such that I would never imagine it, but I did not live in the Cretan culture. The gods they were acquainted with were liars, cheaters, nasty, and capricious. Titus’ job was to teach the Cretes about the awesomeness of God’s character, witnessed in the person of Jesus. It was also his job to call them to live God-honoring lives that reflected his awesomeness.

As a person previously addicted to lying, I can't begin to tell you about my family’s, friends’, and colleagues’ reactions when I started telling the truth! Jaw-dropping astonishment! Who was this person? I looked the same, but all of a sudden, my behavior was very different. All noticed, but only a few had the guts to ask. And I got to tell them about how Jesus had set me free!

I had the confidence that my life here was not the end of my story. I wanted to honor God because I was going to spend eternity with him. I wanted to represent my heavenly Father, and my brother by adoption, Jesus, in a manner befitting their position as Lord of lords and King of kings of my life.

That is the truth that gives me confidence in all circumstances, and the freedom to live the life he promised for me before the world began!

How has the truth of the Good News of Jesus Christ set you free? Have you ever considered your “before and after,” your testimony of how knowing Jesus changed everything for you?

Next Steps:
Take some time to think about how trusting Jesus has changed your life and behaviors. Write them down, and thank God for his Spirit who lives inside you and gives you the power to be different than you used to be!

My sweet Savior, I cannot express the gratitude that I have for your precious gift of freedom in my life. Sin is no longer my master! You have given me everything I need to live a godly life, through knowledge of you who called me by your glory and goodness! I can experience your great and precious promises and the joy of your presence in my life. I pray that others see my joy and ask me about the hope that I have in you. In your beautiful name I pray, amen.

Series Theme Verse:

Titus 2:14
“He [Jesus] gave his life to free us from every kind of sin, to cleanse us, and to make us his very own people, totally committed to doing good deeds.”

Today’s post was written by Lauri White, a regular contributor to the LivingItOut Devotional.

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