Unconditional Love

Weekend Series: Promises, Promises

DreamTeam Writer: Payton Lechner

Monday, March 6, 2023

We all want to be loved with no strings attached. Unconditionally. Even if we don’t agree on everything. Even if we make mistakes.

I think about this a lot. 

Usually, unconditional love makes me think of my parents. No parent is perfect, but mine were great examples of what it looks like to truly love others.

As I’m writing this, my mom is in Malaysia. She is visiting a friend she met through one of the organizations she is a part of that help make a difference in the world around her. This friend and her husband have five children, whom my family affectionately refers to as Mom’s Malaysian grandchildren—a phrase that sometimes gets me weird looks. In turn, my mom is sometimes called their American grandma. 

Their family is also devoutly Muslim. My mom is devoutly Christian. And yes, she and her friend have had many conversations around religion—because they both believe deeply in their own religion and want the other one to experience “truth” as they know it. However, while they have questions about each other’s religious views, their differences don’t prevent the deep, loving friendship between them. 

But what if my mom were to use the phrase “Hate the sin, love the sinner” about her friend? I don’t think that would go over well. Being Muslim is part of her friend’s identity, and impacts every aspect of her life. Their friendship works because they know how to treat each other with love and respect. 

Simple statements in answer to complex problems rarely solve anything—and can often be more hurtful than helpful.

It’s easy to toss the phrase around and point it at people who we feel have sinned, but it's important to remember that every human on the planet has sinned—you and me included. 

Romans 3:23
For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.

Yes, we all have sin in our lives. Fortunately, the power of God’s grace is much bigger. In his eyes, every Christ-follower is equally pure. Every Christ-follower is redeemed. And I’m eternally grateful for that, not because “those people” over there need redemption, whatever that group of people is in your eyes—but because I know I need redemption. I have sinned. I have fallen short. But by God’s grace, I’ve been redeemed. And if you’re a Christ-follower, so have you. 

Psalm 103:12
He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west. 

Here’s the bottom line: Anything is possible because of God’s grace. Because of it, everyone who believes in him has been freed from the penalty of sin (Romans 8:2). Yes, I still fall short of God’s perfect standard, but I am redeemed because of Christ’s love. I will do my best to always start with humility and love with others.

Where have you experienced unconditional love? What does it look like for you to unconditionally love those around you?

Next Steps: 
Take a moment to contemplate if there’s a group you consider “sinners”—whether it be because of decisions they’ve made or simply because they have different views from you. Ask God to help you remember he deeply loves all of us, enough to die for each and every one of us.

If you haven’t yet accepted God’s unconditional love, now may be the time to give your life to him. Reach out to a pastor or Christ-following friend so they can help celebrate this decision with you.

Heavenly Father, I know this world is not simple, no matter how much I wish it was or try to make it so. I thank you for your grace, your unconditional love, and the sacrifice you made so I could be clean. Help me to be a reflection of that grace and love to the world around me. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Series Theme Verse:

2 Peter 1:4
And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.

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