What is the Sabbath?

Church Community: Kelly Pagel

Friday, February 23, 2024

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest”

Does this verse resonate with you? Are you exhausted and weighed down by life, craving refreshment?

Imagine if one day every week your to-do list disappeared and the only things on the agenda were rest, worship, and delight! How awesome would that be? With our 24/7/365 lifestyles, this seems too good to be true, but did you realize this is actually a rhythm our loving Father put into place since the creation of the world?

If you read the creation story (Genesis 1 & Genesis 2:1-4), you see that God rested on the seventh day. Not because he was tired and needed to rest—this is the all powerful God we are talking about—but because he knew his creation would need it. As a loving Father and good teacher does, he led by example.

Later, God set aside this day when he gave Moses the Ten Commandments (Genesis 20:8-11). It was an opportunity for his people to be reminded that he is in control. It was not meant to be a burden, but a gift (Exodus 16:29).

Today, many people are unfamiliar with the spiritual practice of observing the Sabbath. Others assume it would be dry and boring, or they may feel like it isn't feasible due to sports, errands, and chores, etc.

But take a moment to consider how it would feel to bring the crazy train of life to a full stop, to trade running for resting. Imagine a day filled with worshiping and praising God and delighting in the blessings around you.

The Sabbath is meant to be more than simply not working and spending all day at church. Rather it's intended as a day of deep renewal and rejuvenation that fills you to overflowing, so you can serve from that reserve in the week to come. Worshiping with your church family is definitely in order, as this is a day to celebrate God’s love and faithfulness, but it could also include naps, sharing a delicious family meal, enjoying nature, or partaking in other life-giving activities.

What would a day like this each week do for your faith and wellbeing? How would this impact your relationship with God and with others?

Indeed, to actually make this happen would likely require adjusting mindsets, shifting things around, and putting a significant amount of trust in God to take care of the details you often want to manage yourself … but, what if?

Today and in the days to come, approach God in prayer about practicing the Sabbath. Ask him to teach you more about this gift he wants to give you and what it could look like in your life. Share all the reasons you think it’s utterly impossible. Ask him in the quietness of prayer to remind you of his faithfulness, and then listen for his leading.

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