Which Master?

Weekend Series: Scary Things God Asks Us to Do

DreamTeam Writer: Casey Stengel

Monday, October 16, 2023

Talking about money at church is always a topic that cues the chirping crickets.

We work hard for our money! It’s ours to do with as we choose, right?

Of course, if I want God’s will to be done before my own, then my life isn’t just my own, is it? So what is actually mine? And what about my bills? I can’t afford to just hand over my money instead of paying the electric bill!

Luckily, that isn't what God wants us to do at all. God is asking for us to trust him, not our money, knowing full well we can’t love and honor both equally.

Matthew 6:24
“No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money.”

God doesn't want our money—he has no need for it. But he doesn’t want us to be enslaved to our money either. God wants to hold the most important place in our lives.

The bottom line: Trust God first, and he will bless the rest.

The way we saw this done in the Old Testament was through the offering of First Fruits. As Pastor Ben demonstrated this weekend using fruits and vegetables, God wants us to offer the first 10% from what we make as a gesture of trust from all God gives us.

Typically, people order the use of their money in a spend, save, give format. (Did someone say fishing boat?!) However, God’s Kingdom is upside down, and we are called to give first, then save, and finally spend. This reversed order of handling our finances can seem daunting at first, so a plan and a budget can help.

If we love God and trust him, we will not be enslaved to money, recognizing it was all his to begin with. This alone can offer incredible blessing and freedom. And when we give to the local church we are able to invest spiritually in others’ lives and share Jesus in ways we couldn’t on our own.

The only master I want to serve is God. That means learning control over my finances and giving God what is his, first—so that he can bless the rest that he gives me!

Have you ever tried to serve two masters? How did that go? Was one better than the other?

Next Steps:
If you need assistance in taking control of your finances, consider joining a Life, Money, Legacy Group that is being offered. You can find and join these featured groups on the homepage of the CedarCreek app.

Participate in the Tithe Challenge—commit to giving 10% for the next 3 months, and in the process, grow closer to God and become aware of his blessings.

Father, I only want to serve you. I pray that I never let anything or anyone take my eyes off of you. Be with me and all my friends and family as we move through the final months of the year and live joyfully, with our checkbooks balanced as well as our lives. I am here to serve you, Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Series Theme Verse:

Matthew 6:33
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

This post was written by Casey Stengel, a regular contributor to the LivingItOut Devotional.

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