Your Kids May Be Your Everything, But They Can't Be Your Only Thing

Church Community: Stephanie Thomas

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Confession: Most nights, my husband and I land on the couch—after bedtime stories and kisses and prayers and questions and answers and water cups and one more song, just one more, pretty please—and we say, “Gah, those kids are cute.”

When it comes to my two boys, I’m all in. Not perfect, mind you. Not even close. More like doing the research, planning the adventures, and making sure their daily boxes are checked:

  • Play outside: Yep.
  • Schoolwork: Done.
  • Free time: Plenty.
  • Parent time: You got it.
  • Fruit: Demolished.
  • Veggies: Offered.
  • Books: Read and reread.
  • Current developmental struggle: Aqaduately stressed over.

Minimums met, I pat myself on the back and end the day with “The Office” and a load of dishes.

But what about my boxes? What about yours? What about the things that are good for our souls?

According to recent studies, parents spend five hours each day worrying about their children and just 32 minutes doing what they want. As Ned Johnson and William Stixrud, authors of The Self-Driven Child wrote, “Other than showing your child love and affection, managing your own stress is the best thing you can do to be an effective parent.”

5 Quick and Easy Ways to Take Time for Yourself:

  • Take time to think. In the shower, on your stoop, on the way to grab groceries-—use these little moments to plan and dream.
  • Take time to not think. Exercise, set a timer and zone out, listen to music and sing from memory.
  • Take time to be alone. Go for a walk, go for a drive, send your family away for the afternoon, saying, with a smile, “I don’t care where you go, but you can’t stay here.”
  • Take time with someone you enjoy. Call a friend, plan a game night with your spouse, schedule meetups with your favorite pals.
  • Take time for something you enjoy. Revive an old hobby, pick up a new one, pair a gripping audiobook with a boring chore.

By Stephanie Thomas with modifications; from Parent Cue

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