Releasing Guilt and Shame

Weekend Series: Unfazed

DreamTeam Writer: Isabelle Billnitzer

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Last weekend, we were introduced to P.R.A.Y., an easy method rooted in the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:8-13 NKJV), to help us with our daily prayers. Yesterday, we learned more about “P” for Praise, and today, we will focus on “R” for Release/Repent.

Matthew 6:12
And forgive us our debts, 
As we forgive our debtors.

Have you ever done something you knew was wrong but were too ashamed to admit?

In my faith, sometimes, I still struggle with the thought of asking for forgiveness after sinning against God. Shame and guilt are unpleasant feelings, and I have struggled with the fear that God will not forgive me because I have fallen into sin too often. I repent and give my guilt to God, but then fall victim to human nature and slip into another cycle of sin once again.

When I get caught up in a pattern of sinning, I feel myself pulling away from God. I become fearful to approach him because I feel like he will be angry or disappointed in me for my shortcomings and wrongdoings.

I have been guilty of holding on to hurt and grudges against others. It can sometimes be hard for us to forgive because of how deeply we have been wounded. But then, when we deeply hurt God or others, we feel too ashamed or guilty to admit our sin. All of us have been convicted of sin at some point in our lives. But the good news is, we do not have to stay in captivity forever. Our Heavenly Father is always there, patiently waiting for us to come back to him, ask for forgiveness, and give up our sinful ways.

God wants us to let go of all our guilt, trusting that he will forgive us. We must make it a habit to intentionally humble ourselves before the Lord, repenting of our sins and asking for his grace. We must not forget the Good News of the gospel—that God sent his only Son into our world to forgive us for all of our sins. If we repent, God is ready to forgive us regardless of the number of times we have fallen away from the straight and narrow path that leads to righteousness.

Our God overflows with patience and mercy, ready to forgive each of us for our wrongdoings. Thanks to the blood of Jesus Christ, our debts have all been paid in full. He is always there to forgive us, no matter how far gone we feel. Let us rest knowing that the moment we confess our sins, God covers us with his forgiveness.

1 John 1:9
But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.

What sins have you been holding on to?

Why is it hard for us to forgive others when they sin against us?

Next Steps:
This week, write down the sins that you are holding onto and give them up to God in prayer.

Set aside an uninterrupted time to pray intentionally each day.

Heavenly Father, thanks for your unending grace and forgiveness. I continue to fall into sin against you and against others. Help me to remember that I do not have to be afraid to confess my sins, and remind me of your unbounding love and forgiveness for me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Series Theme Verse:

John 14:26
“But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.”

This post was written by Isabelle Billnitzer, a regular contributor to the LivingItOut Devotional.

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