Recharge With God

Weekend Series: Ready Player One

DreamTeam Writer: Connie Disbro

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

In 2020, many of us embarked on an interesting experiment: working from home for the first time. We became adept at utilizing tools like Zoom and Microsoft Teams for work meetings, and platforms such as Slack for staying connected with colleagues. Balancing remote schooling for our children, setting up individual home offices, and managing day-to-day responsibilities alongside our job duties became our new norm. For many, like myself, the boundary between our work and personal lives blurred as we found ourselves responding to emails morning to night. I was even taking phone calls from my boss on Sunday mornings.

The ”always on” culture led many of us to burnout, prompting a hard-learned lesson in the importance of disconnecting. In various scriptures, Jesus exemplifies the necessity of withdrawing from the world.

Matthew 14:23
After he dismissed them, he went up on a mountaintop by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone.

Jesus’ actions serve as a model, teaching us that true rejuvenation and fulfillment in our lives requires distancing ourselves from worldly demands and distractions and focusing our attention on creating a deep relationship with God.

Although the temptation to fill spare moments with mindless scrolling on our smartphones can be all encompassing, our spare time is meant to be devoted to fostering a relationship with God.

James 4:4
You adulterers! Don’t you realize that friendship with the world makes you an enemy of God? I say it again; if you want to be a friend of the world, you make yourself an enemy of God.

So, where can you find this quiet sanctuary away from worldly distractions? It might be a secluded room or closet in your home, a local park, or even the serenity of your own backyard. Turn off your phones, or better yet, do not take them with you.

Alone time with God isn’t limited to prayer. It also includes studying God’s word and reflecting on how we are carrying out his word in our daily lives.

Are you recharging with God regularly?

How much time are you spending on your smartphone, laptop, iPad, or other technological device?

Are you using technology as a distraction? If so, what are you avoiding?

What boundaries can you set to limit your use of technology?

Where can you go to get some solitude away from the distractions of the world and draw you closer to God?

Next Steps:
Find a quiet place away from the distractions of the world to devote to God each day.

Need some accountability on your technology usage? Consider joining a Group at Cedar Creek. It is a way to connect with others who may be facing the same struggles.

Listen to the LivingItOut Podcast. You will find it on our app or on your favorite podcast platform. 

Dear God, with the constant stream of news updates, social media posts, and work emails, it is all too simple to lose sight of the balance our lives require. You represent that balance—the wellspring of our renewal and genuine satisfaction. Guide me in cultivating the discipline to use my technology responsibly and find moments each day to dedicate to you. Amen.

Series Theme Verse:

Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

This post was written by Connie Disbro, a first-time contributor to the LivingItOut Devotional.

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