Faith Isn’t a Spectator Sport

Weekend Series: Now What…

DreamTeam Writer: Jaron Camp

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

I love this time of year—the spiritual significance of Easter, the changing seasons, and the hope of warmer weather. I know the heat will become unbearable in a few months, but right now it’s amazing! Older generations enjoy the spring breeze on their porches while they watch kids run by (if you turn off their devices), and best of all, I hear the sounds of basketballs bouncing on outdoor courts. 

As a teenager and young adult, I could always be found at the park or outside The University of Findlay, waiting for a pickup game. It never mattered if one of the captains knew me, I was always one of the first picked (being 6’2 and looking “athletic” undoubtedly helped). The winning team stayed and ran the court, so I usually played for hours. Showing up, sitting on the bench, and just watching would’ve been horrible. 

Trust me, you don’t get much value from being a spectator. I know because that was my church experience for years. I showed up, sat on the bench, and went home. As an adult, I didn’t practice my faith outside of a Sunday service unless the occasional church picnic presented itself, but that was more about the ribs than listening to the pastor. I was part of the problem, the churches I attended were the other part. We didn’t understand the assignment.

It wasn’t until my church in Virginia that I was asked to participate in God’s plan. I was 34, and it only took an invitation to say a simple “yes.” Six years later, CedarCreek invited me to attend GrowthTrack, which helped me discover my spiritual gifts and guided me to live in my purpose. As this past weekend service reminded us, we experience God’s power when we step into our purpose.

Ephesians 4:11-12
11 Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. 12 Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ.

None of us are meant to live mediocre lives. Through GrowthTrack, I learned that my spiritual gifts center around communication and teaching. The class helped crystallize my passion into a purpose statement—“God has gifted me to communicate his truth with wisdom and intuition in fresh ways that aren’t afraid to color outside the lines.” It’s easy to say yes to joining God’s spiritual team and even easier when the “captains” equip you to do the work. The best part is you don’t have to wait to be picked. God already chose you. 

Are you going to church just to check a box on your weekly to-do list? 

Are you using your gifts to equip your brothers and sisters in Christ and introduce Jesus to those who don’t know him yet?

Next Steps:
Text “Resource” to 419-419-0707 to receive a one-time resource on possible next steps in the spiritual journey. Invite a new person to church. Take time to speak to different people in the lobby each week.

God, I know I’m uniquely created. Please continue to encourage me to show others they are special and show me new ways to reach those who are lost. May I continue to grow in my purpose and not keep my spiritual gifts to myself. Amen.

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