Legacy of Freedom

Weekend Series: The Butterfly Effect

DreamTeam Writer: Kelly Pagel

Monday, May 22, 2023

What butterfly effect could freedom have on your life?

This weekend, we were reminded of the profound impact freedom can have not only in our lives, but also in the lives of others. Speaker and author Barb Roose shared the legacy of Harriet Tubman, a woman who touched countless lives after she made a bold decision for freedom.

Born a slave around 1820 and the fifth of nine children, Harriet lived a hard life that cultivated a holy discontent for freedom. Upon learning that she and two of her brothers were to be sold into a chain gang, she decided to act and make a run for freedom.

This decision was not made lightly, nor was it likely made without fear—fear of the repercussions if she were to be caught, fear of what she could encounter on her 80+ mile journey, and fear of not knowing what she’d face at the end of it. A fear so great it caused her brothers to turn back.

But Harriet didn’t allow fear to stop her from fighting for freedom. Instead she operated out of a confidence that God walked beside her in this journey, and her deep faith propelled her forward. Her passion for freedom led her to later risk returning to the very place she’d fled with the purpose of helping other slaves find freedom, too. 

While it took a lot of personal resolve, it was Harriet’s trust in God and his promises that helped her navigate the deep waters of her quest—whether literally as she led people who couldn’t swim across rivers on the underground railroad or figuratively as she trusted God to provide the resources she would need for this work. Ultimately, she created a legacy of freedom for hundreds of other men, women, and children.  

In our quest for freedom, we can get caught up in our circumstances and hamstrung by our fears. God can seem far away in our times of trouble, tempting us to lean on our own power and understanding to push through, which ultimately becomes exhausting and unsustainable. 

But God is not as far away as we might think.

Psalms 34:18
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.

Did you catch that? The Lord is close. You are not alone!

As you face your fears and take a step on the adventure toward freedom, take a moment to pause and fix your eyes on Jesus and his power. Reflect on the ways you have seen God show up in your life, ask the Lord to help you see past evidence of his presence and love in your life, and remember he is with you today and always will be (Matthew 28:20). 

Then step out in faith on this adventure, knowing that the legacy you will leave can have a butterfly effect on your life and generations to come.  

In what area of your life would you like freedom?

What legacy would you like to leave for others?

How have you seen God’s presence in your life in the past?

What is one thing you could do to fix your eyes on Jesus and strengthen your relationship with God?

Next Steps:
Spend five minutes each day pausing before God and reflecting on his presence and his goodness. Start a list of the ways you’ve seen God show up in your life. Ask God to open your eyes to his presence today, and remind you he is close. Add it to your list.  

Lord, thank you for your precious reminder that you are close and with me on my journey to freedom. Thank you for the faith example of Harriet Tubman as an encouragement to me and a reminder of the legacy that can result from freedom. Help me not get caught up in fear that so easily could prevent me from taking a step, but instead, remind me of your love and the power I have through the Holy Spirit to help me navigate this quest. I praise you for the gift of your Son Jesus, who made a way for me to come to you. It's in his name I pray, amen.  

Series Theme Verse:
Luke 8:15

And the seeds that fell on the good soil represent honest, good-hearted people who hear God’s word, cling to it, and patiently produce a huge harvest. 

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