Life of the Spirit

Weekend Series: Sounds of Summer

DreamTeam Writer: Linda Repka

Thursday, June 29, 2023

There I was—39 years old, about three months post-divorce, raising two boys, moving, and changing jobs—and something was pressing me from within to go back to school to earn my B.A. I attempted to ignore this inner message, but it became too intense. And so off I went to the Eberly Center for Women at the University of Toledo for advice, and soon began attending sessions with other women in similar circumstances.

As the facilitator unpacked all that was needed to begin attending university classes, my animation and excitement waned. I was even told my feelings were reflected on my face. It was like someone put a pin in my balloon—my face quickly went from happy and excited to overwhelmed and confused. I went home that day with all the information in tow and cried.

Eventually, I looked in the mirror and asked myself what I wanted to see reflecting back at me in five years. From that moment on, I had a plan and moved full steam ahead. Over the following five years, I earned my degree, but better still, I found myself on the path of a faith-filled discovery of my Lord and Savior.

I know attending college was a purposeful move for me, but I did not yet have a personal relationship with God. I was unaware that God was working in me and through others to encourage me to grow my relationship with him and move me toward his purpose for my life. He was pursuing me, but it took years of his patient love for me to realize the truth of who he truly is. Taking that purposeful risk changed my life and, more importantly, changed my heart forever.

In the story of Jonathan and his armor bearer, it was Jonathan’s relationship with God that gave him purpose and confidence to move forward.

1 Samuel 14:6
“Let’s go across to the outpost of those pagans,” Jonathan said to his armor bearer. “Perhaps the Lord will help us, for nothing can hinder the Lord. He can win a battle whether he has many warriors or only a few!”

In the same way, as I have grown to know God better and I move toward retirement, I am preparing to embark on a new plan with its own purposeful risk. It is knowing him that allows me to move forward with confidence. I will leave my current work behind in just a few short years, but I will continue to work for my Father in other capacities, as he guides me to serve in ways he will reveal to me over time. My trust in him has me listening, ever alert for his guidance. Through purposeful risk, I have learned that there is death of the spirit in stagnation and life of the spirit in knowing and following our Father God.

Can you think of a time when you:

Answered NO versus GO and wished you had answered GO?

Answered GO versus NO and wished you had answered NO?

Answered GO and were glad you did?

 Answered NO and were glad you did?

Next Steps:
To foster a deeper personal relationship with God and increase your faith, start a checklist for yourself noting what you've learned from each of the aforementioned experiences. As you learn about our Father through his Word and your experiences, you will gain clarity regarding how he works in your life, causing you to respond in the affirmative with confidence and trust when he calls upon you to either take or not take risks.

Father God, all glory, honor, and praise go to you. You are my shepherd. Through your gifts, I am found. You lead me, through your grace, to access the peace of the Holy Spirit that Jesus left within me. Help me to remain alert so that I will respond to you and take purposeful risks in your honor and to glorify you. Use me as a vessel to shine your light and love to others so they can experience you through me. Help me to live according to your word. I pray in Jesus’ name, amen. 

Series Theme Verse:
Ecclesiastes 9:17

“Better to hear the quiet words of a wise person than the shouts of a foolish king.”

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