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Weekend Series: Sounds of Summer

DreamTeam Writer: April Willer

Friday, June 30, 2023

When I was in fifth grade, I had a teacher, Mrs. Baxter, who constantly looked me in the eyes and told me all the great potential she saw in me. She thought I would make a good lawyer, writer, or speaker, and those words did something to my little heart.

I can still remember how my posture changed as she told me things I did not believe about myself. That year, she chose me to be the attorney for a mock trial we were doing at the local court house. What a huge risk it felt like when I stood up there in front of my class and argued the case. Fast forward many years—I have had the privilege of speaking in front of many people and completed a book that is collecting dust in my drawer. Unfortunately, that confidence and spark I felt in the fifth grade has slowly diminished.

In last weekend’s message, we learned that “A FULFILLING LIFE will require PURPOSEFUL RISKS.” We reflected on how important it is to have people in our corner, like Mrs. Baxter, who can help call out or confirm the direction we need to move in, especially if we are feeling stuck in life.

Where in your life is God nudging you to take a risk, and what is holding you back?

I’ll go first: My book is collecting dust in my drawer. I know that publishing it will open myself up to criticism from others, and honestly, it may require more time and energy than I have. After dealing with weird chronic illnesses most of my life and taking care of close loved ones who are now with the Lord, I am feeling pretty good and comfortable right now. The fear of taking on more and going back to that dark place paralyzes me.

But then I read 1 Timothy 1:7: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” God is right here with me, holding my hand and growing me as I contemplate all these things that are holding me back from taking my next step. I guarantee that God is also right there with you as you look face-to-face with that thing that needs to be removed from your life or needs to come off the back burner.

God is faithful, and he will walk with us as we take our first, next step forward.

Where in your life is God nudging you to take a risk? What things are holding you back from taking it?

What is one habit or behavior that is holding you back from achieving your goal?

Next Steps:
Share your risk with a trusted friend and ask for guidance and support.

Choose one action step you can take this week to move one step forward.

Lord, I thank you for faithfully loving me exactly where I am and not leaving me in my mess. Help me to take purposeful risks to accept the creative solutions and opportunities you are offering to move me into the abundant life you want for me. Lord, make yourself known this week—open doors only you can open and shut doors that need to be shut, so I may love you and serve you well! Amen.

Series Theme Verse:
Ecclesiastes 9:17

“Better to hear the quiet words of a wise person than the shouts of a foolish king.”

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