A New Peace

Weekend Series: For the Win

DreamTeam Writer: Casey Stengel

Wednesday, February 8, 2023


I can’t wait to see it for myself. At the same time, I have to wait because it's not my time yet. I have plenty of struggles, bad days, and stubbed toes to get through. But keeping my eyes on Jesus lets me see that, even through the fog of life, paradise is waiting at the end.

For me, heaven on earth is climbing into a tree stand before the sun comes up and paints the sky with oranges and yellows—gradually turning to a clear blue—is so beautiful. I love sitting up high and listening to the woods wake up, feeling the crisp, cool air on my face. I know the point of hunting is getting a deer, putting meat in the freezer to feed my family and friends, but I’ll admit that more than once, I've watched a deer walk on by without even picking up my bow. All because I was too caught up in the awe of God’s creation.

Occasionally daily struggles prevent me from getting in my deer stand—like the time I was helping to put another stand up, slipped off the ladder, got my hand caught, and broke a couple fingers. I couldn't draw back my bow because it hurt too much. No lie—I wanted to cry real tears because I was so excited to go hunting the next day but couldn’t. If you're a hunter, you can probably sympathize.

I didn't necessarily give up that hunting season, I just used my time to prepare for my next opportunity. It wasn't my time to get a deer, but it was a day to realize that there would be another day, another sunrise, and more hunts to experience—my current heaven.

Revelation 21:4-6
4 “He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.” 5 And the one sitting on the throne said, “Look, I am making everything new!” And then he said to me, “Write this down, for what I tell you is trustworthy and true.” 6 And he also said, “It is finished! I am the Alpha and the Omega—the Beginning and the End. To all who are thirsty I will give freely from the springs of the water of life.

Whether or not you’re struggling today, we can look forward to the day we’re welcomed into God’s heavenly kingdom. He will wipe away the bad days and moments in our lives just as he will wipe the tears from our eyes. All the hurts and struggles will be forgotten because he will make everything new.

In heaven, I doubt we will even have time to remember the stories from our past. We will be filled with so much pure love and know a perfect, joyful peace.

Bottom line: A clear view of heaven gives us strength to face today.

When you think of heaven, can you imagine it without the daily struggles? What does a life without pain and crying mean to you?

Next Steps:
Take some time to pray and be thankful that unlike characters in a movie, we know the ending because we are followers of Jesus.

Father, I can't wait for the day that I finally get to be in your presence. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to help open doors for others to find you so they may know the peace you have in store for all your children. To feel your hands wipe away all my tears and sorrows is something that I know will be amazing. Your love is something I want to spread while I’m still on this earth. Let me be an instrument to bring others to you. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Casey Stengel, he is a follower of Christ and a Dad of three. He works for the Zepf Center, specializing in Recovery Services, and is passionate about helping others. Casey is a graduate of Colorado Christian University with a degree in Biblical studies.

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