Eternal Views

Weekend Series: The End

DreamTeam Writer: Jaron Camp

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

I have many memories of Easter and Christmas from my childhood in the 1980s. Peeps, painted hard boiled eggs, G.I. Joe, and My Buddy are a few favorites, but giant fruit baskets full of grapefruits, oranges, and grapes also hold a special place in my mind. My siblings and I couldn’t wait to rip into the healthy treats (I know, we were weird). Mom had one rule. We had to wait until Easter or Christmas morning. Waiting seemed like an eternity, which helped us forget the consequences we faced when breaking Mom’s rule. 

Our grandfather enforced those consequences, and he carried them out with a switch. Grandaddy Cephas loved to laugh and joke, but he was about his business. Our perspective of him usually shaped our behavior so as not to get caught. However, our youthful perspective of Grandaddy was flawed. We just wanted to avoid getting caught, not really live differently. 

Building a relationship with Jesus looks different. As we come to recognize his love and sacrifice for us, our perspective should change, and that change should drive us to live differently. 

Last weekend’s message explained that knowing your today matters changes your perspective. Jesus prepares us to live in him now so we can live with him for eternity. 

Matthew 25:13
“So you, too, must keep watch! For you do not know the day or hour of my return.”

People are selfish with time and actions because it’s not always easy to see past our time on earth. There’s an understanding that today is forever, but faith changes our views. We don’t know when Christ will return, so we need to embrace an eternal perspective. 

But remember, what you believe isn’t singular. Walking by faith matters for everyone—those who don’t follow Christ watch your movements. They see how you pray, praise, stumble, grow, and forgive. You are encouraged to live out your faith so others can fully see a Christ-led life. 

Until the day you are called to your eternal home, show the world what Jesus’ love feels like.

Do you want to know Jesus? How has knowing Jesus changed your perspective on life?

Next Steps: 
Find comfort in praying for others. Join a Bible study and take notes on the weekend message to gain an understanding of what it means to follow Jesus. Don’t be afraid to share your faith with everyone.

21 Days of Prayer - Day 2
Focus: For Our Cities (2 Chronicles 7:14)

Dear God, today, we lift up each city in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan. We come to you asking to see lives healed, people drawn to Christ, and your Spirit poured out in our communities. We humble ourselves, seek your face, and turn away from anything that draws us away from you, believing that you will heal families, communities, and people’s hearts. Lord, give us the wisdom necessary to unite us, and lead us in the days ahead so our cities can be a light to our nation and a testament to you, the only one who saves. We pray this in Jesus’ name—amen.

Series Theme Verse:
Hebrews 3:14
For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ. 

Today’s post was written by Jaron Camp, a regular contributor to the LivingItOut Devotional.

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