In God We Trust

Weekend Series: Easter 2023

DreamTeam Writer: Isabelle Billnitzer

Read Luke 23:46

Thursday, April 13, 2023

What does it mean to trust in Jesus? This is a fundamental question that followers have asked throughout history. We may answer that we regularly attend church, are part of a Group, or consistently read the Bible. While those things are important to grow in our walk with Christ, they miss the point. Have we truly entrusted our lives and everything in them to Jesus?

I tend to hold onto things very tightly. If I carry everything myself, that means I can try to control the events of my life in any way that I want. Throughout the years, I realized life is unpredictable, and it is impossible to control everything ourselves. I have discovered that this thought process is rooted in fear. It shows that, while I have a deep faith in Jesus and have surrendered my life to him, there are still some things in my life I have not entrusted to him.

I struggle with many worries that I should be surrendering to Jesus. I fall into the trap of “if only.” If only I were financially set … if only my relationships were perfect … if only I got the best grades … then I would be happy and secure. All too often, I catch myself entrusting to and rooting my life on worldly things when I should entrust them to God.

On the cross, Jesus set the perfect example of trusting the Father with everything, including his spirit, before he died.

Luke 23:46
Then Jesus shouted, “Father, I entrust my spirit into your hands!” And with those words he breathed his last.

In the middle of the worst struggle in human history, Jesus entrusted his spirit to God, knowing that God was about to use his suffering to save his people. Jesus loves us fully, to a depth we may not be able to comprehend in this lifetime. No battle or sin is too small to be entrusted to him. And none of our sins or battles are too formidable for him to fight. We are called to entrust every aspect and every area of our lives to him, just as he entrusted his very spirit to the Father.

When we fail to hand over our entire lives to Jesus, fear and anxiety flood in. We become weary and sorrowful; we may even feel defeated. Earthly success and worldly things will never fulfill us. It is only when we fully trust Jesus with our lives and struggles that we experience a peace that surpasses all understanding.

Entrusting our lives to Jesus does not mean that we will never again struggle in this lifetime. We live in a fallen world laden with sin. It means he will be right beside us in the middle of the storms of our lives, sharing our burdens, giving us strength in times of trial, and providing hope in the face of defeat. Let us never forget that Jesus is with us every step of the way.

What are you holding onto today that you could surrender to Jesus?

Why is it difficult at times to entrust every area of your life to Jesus?

Next Steps:
Join a Group to connect with other Jesus followers to help support each other and grow in your faith.

This week, write down one thing that you are surrendering to Jesus. Put it somewhere that you will see everyday as a reminder to entrust this struggle to him.

Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your one and only Son to save us from our sins and give us eternal life. Remind us that you are present throughout our struggles and that we do not have to carry our burdens alone. Help us recognize the areas of our lives that we must surrender to you and give us the courage to entrust you with every aspect of our lives. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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