Looking Ahead - 1.28.2024

Weekend Series: The Power to Change

DreamTeam Writer: Kelly Pagel

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Do you get caught up focusing on what matters now, instead of exercising patience for what matters most? It's easy to do, isn’t it?

Proverbs 14:12
There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death.

Today more than ever, we are prone to choose that which offers immediate gratification, but it rarely satisfies us for long. And then we are back to searching for something to fill the void. It’s this tendency that makes long-term change challenging.

But God has another plan. Jesus came to give us a rich and satisfying life, one that offers life and peace through the Spirit (Romans 8:6), when we put our faith in him.

Today, take a few moments to sit quietly. Set aside all distractions, close your eyes, and take a few slow, deep breaths. With each exhale, give God your worries and concerns. Allow his peace to wash over you, and take time to contemplate God’s great love for you.

Next, read through Romans 8:5-7 and contemplate what you turn to when you want to reward yourself. Where do your thoughts go? What do you choose?

Finally, consider recording your responses in a journal, whether digital or analog. It's a great way to be able to look back on the adventure God has you on.

21 Days of Prayer - Day 21 - Praise (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Today’s Prayer Focus: To Praise Him

Dear Father, I praise you for all you have done in my life and in my heart over these last 21 days. Thank you for drawing close to me and for leading me. Help me to continue growing and taking steps toward you throughout this year, so that I might know you more and make a difference for you. Amen.


Discussion Questions:

Icebreaker: How do you reward yourself?

Why is it so easy to focus on what we want now instead of what we want most?

Read Romans 8:5-7. What do you learn about God? About yourself? About change?

What area of your life do you need to release and give control of to the Holy Spirit? Why?

What would change in this area look like, and what is one step you can take this week?

Series Theme Verse:

2 Peter 1:3

By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence

This post was written by Kelly Pagel, Director of the LivingItOut.

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