Looking Ahead - 4.14.2024

Weekend Series: Losing My Religion

DreamTeam Writer: Kelly Pagel

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Do you ever do “churchy” things out of obligation, thinking that will please God. Or maybe, you just run your own way, thinking you’ve got it all under control.

Either of these approaches robs us of the relationship God so desperately desires to have with us.

Regardless of our faulty approach. Christ makes a way for us back to the Father, who loves us deeply.

Ephesians 2:18
Now all of us can come to the Father through the same Holy Spirit because of what Christ has done for us.

This week, invite God to open your eyes to what he wants to teach you about his love and to the invitation he offers through a relationship with Christ. Set aside any distractions, close your eyes, and take a few slow, deep breaths. Ask the Lord to help you identify where you’ve mistakenly believed the Christian faith is a list of rules and to help teach you about the easy yoke he offers.

Finally, consider recording your responses in a journal, whether digital or hard copy. It's a great way to be able to look back on the adventure God has you on.

Father, you are so loving and patient. You won’t force yourself on me, but you deeply desire for me to return to you, knowing that as your child, the abundance of your kingdom is accessible to me. Instead of trying to do things on my own or becoming judgmental of what I think I am due, help me to rest in you and realize what you want most is a relationship. Draw me closer to your love, and let me know you more. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Discussion Questions:

Ice breaker: Do you think religion is good for society? Why and why not?

Why is it easy to believe God wants something from us versus a relationship with us?

Read Luke 15:11-32. What do you observe about the father as he deals with both sons? What does this teach you about God?

Which son do you best relate with in the story above?

What is one way you can strengthen your relationship with God beginning this week?

Series Theme Verse:

Romans 6:14
Sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the freedom of God’s grace.

This post was written by Kelly Pagel, Director of the LivingItOut.

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