Process Takes Time

Weekend Series: Promises, Promises.

DreamTeam Writer: Jaron Camp

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Looking back, I’ve noticed many of my failures followed an initial burst of excitement. As a kid, some big motivational speech at the beginning of a sports season had us thinking like winners, but we didn’t know how to win. Two of my worst childhood years ended with a singular victory, one in baseball and one in football. I felt like a real loser and thought about quitting. 

Luckily for me, my coaches were great leaders who encouraged us throughout those difficult seasons. Buckeyes fans, don’t shy away from this next part: Bo Schembechler, Michigan football coach, said, “Those who stay will be champions.” Although the results may look different from what we thought we wanted, sometimes just working through the process is the success. 

That dreadful baseball season eventually led to two championships. Our 1-9 football season sparked a 7-3 record the following year. I committed to something and found comfort in seeing it to the end.

Change and growth in our faith-life is similar. Too often, Christ-followers forget that walking with God is a commitment to spiritual change. It’s a process, and the promised results aren’t automatic. It involves getting to know God better, taking deliberate steps on the journey he has for you, and letting him grow you into the person he has called you to be. You have to intentionally seek out and live in God’s designed purpose. It won’t happen immediately, but one thing is certain: God promises to continue the good work he began.  

Philippians 1:6
And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

Focus on doing the work God has started in you and encourage others to do the same.

Do you go into situations expecting immediate results? How have you seen God’s work positively change you and others over time?

Next Steps: 
Read the stories of Abraham (Genesis 11-25) or Joseph (Genesis 37-50) in the book of Genesis to be reminded of times where God’s promises took time to reach completion. Text Promises to 419-419-0707 to be reminded of some of God’s promises for you. Participate in projects like Second Saturday Serve to keep God’s work moving forward so others can begin to experience God’s promises.

God, I ask for patience in my life so I can find more success during my faith walk and take time to enjoy those successes. Thank you for placing people in my life who lived long enough for me to see your work in them influence generations of believers. It is a wonderful reminder of your faithfulness. Continue to give me the eyes to see the work you are doing in me and in those around me. Amen.

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