Take Heart!

Weekend Series: Promises, Promises.

DreamTeam Writer: Isabelle Billnitzer

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Throughout the past few years, I have struggled with mental health issues and chronic pain. A phrase I have heard several times from well-meaning friends and family is, “God does not give us more than we can handle.” This saying may be comforting, but it is not true. 

Oftentimes, the trials and hardships we face in our lives seem overwhelming, and sometimes, it can feel like there is no way out. During my own trials, there have been times when I have felt alone and helpless. I bore the weight of the world on my shoulders, and I lacked the strength and knowledge to carry it.

My perspective changed when I began reading the gospels. Before I fully surrendered my life to Jesus, I was filled with sorrows and defeat. Anxiety imprisoned me, and I definitely did not feel at peace. Upon reading God’s Word, I discovered that the Bible is full of promises that give us hope and comfort during our times of need. There is one specific promise that has helped me through hardships:

John 16:33
“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

In this verse, Jesus told his disciples they would face struggles but reassured them they would never have to face them alone. This promise still holds true for us. Once we accept Christ into our lives, we no longer face life on our own.

God knows every burden we face and sees the seemingly endless struggles we encounter. He does not want us to be sorrowful and downcast throughout our lives. He wants us to experience the unending peace we can find only through him. Jesus took our difficulties, defeats, and sins to the cross and did what we humans cannot do—he defeated death and sin and overcame the world. Because of God’s grace, we do not have to navigate the storms of life alone.

Yes, we still live in a fallen world that has been tainted by sin. Consequently, each of us will experience our own struggles, temptations, and sorrows. God acknowledges this, promising that he is with us, carrying our burdens and working circumstances together for our good. 

Romans 8:28
We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.  

Let us take heart in the fact that we need not go through the hard times alone because we have the one true God who is with us (Matthew 1:23).

What struggles are you currently facing? In what ways can you surrender them to God?

Next Steps:
This week, write down the struggles you are currently facing and surrender them to God through prayer. 

Text Promises to 419-419-0707 and receive some of God’s promises in Scripture that offer hope for what we are struggling with and remind us of his love and faithfulness.

Join a Group to connect with a life-giving community of Jesus followers who encourage and uplift each other during times of both struggle and joy.

Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us hope in times of despair. We know that you are always with us, carrying our burdens and comforting us through our struggles. Please strengthen us throughout our struggles and remind us that you are always there with us. Thank you for your unending love and grace. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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