Starting the Party Early

Weekend Series: For the Win

DreamTeam Writer: Lydia Snyder

Friday, February 10, 2023

I remember coming home from fifth grade camp, the first time I had been away without my parents or grandparents taking care of me. When I got inside, my dad had made a big banner and hung it on our bookshelf—“Welcome Home, Lydia” was painted in purple. I had been homesick the entire week, and relief swept over me to be back.

We all experience homesickness, but sometimes the feeling goes a little deeper, as described in the song “Endless Summer” by the Gray Havens:

Have you ever missed somewhere

That you've never been before

Like there's a memory there

Except you don't remember anymore

Even though we have never been, even though we can’t imagine what it will be like, we long for it. We hear about everything being made new, God’s presence, tears wiped from our eyes, a beautiful home forever. It isn’t just some “happily ever after” fairytale, it’s real, and it’s promised to us.

Revelation 21:7, Revelation 21:27

7All who are victorious will inherit all these blessings, and I will be their God, and they will be my children… 27 Nothing evil will be allowed to enter, nor anyone who practices shameful idolatry and dishonesty—but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

I have to admit, there are days when my homesickness for heaven gets the better of me. I want to get away from the messiness of earth, and arrive in that perfect place. But, while I wait, I have purpose here.

Heaven is available to anyone, but not everyone knows this. So many people haven’t heard that they are seen and loved by God. We are given the opportunity to tell them these things, through our words and actions, through listening to their story, by praying for them even when they don’t want us to. Jesus invites us to be a bit of heaven here on earth, showing others what it means to follow him.

John 14:2
There is more than enough room in my Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?

Jesus is preparing our place now, filling balloons, stringing up the welcome banner, gathering the people we miss to cheer us in. We don’t have to wait to celebrate, though. There is truly nothing better than helping someone trust Jesus, and when we experience that, it's like we are starting the party early.

What do you imagine when you think of heaven? Do you ever get that ache in your chest, that longing to go home? Who can you be a bit of heaven for?

Next Steps:
Next time you feel the desire for heaven, use it to spur you on. Let it remind you to reach out and invite someone to church, maybe to Preach Off this coming weekend. Offer to pray for your neighbors and friends who don’t know Jesus, and be a reminder of God’s love.

Father, my heart longs for heaven. I want to experience life the way you always intended it to be. I don’t want to miss it, and I don’t want anyone else to, either. Show me who I can reach out to; give me the courage to speak up. You are preparing a place for your children, and I can’t wait to arrive! Amen.

This post was written by Lydia Snyder. Lydia has been a story-lover for as long as she can remember, often found reading books or writing. She is thrilled to be making a difference by inspiring others to take part in the best story ever – God’s story. Lydia lives with her three wonderful siblings and two amazing parents.

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