Faithful in Times of Silence

Weekend Series: Halloweekend 2023

DreamTeam Writer: Becca Roberts

Monday, October 30, 2023

We’ve all experienced seasons when we drift from God.

For me, it’s often during seasons of difficulty, but also in the mundane. I’ve found it’s in those seasons that God is the most silent. That’s when I fear my circumstances won’t change, so I look for answers elsewhere. In my attempt to make decisions without God, I find myself drifting even further away from him.

But God wants us to remain faithful to him despite the uncertainty of those difficult seasons.

Our desire to try to control things when we are afraid is nothing new. King Saul was in a similar predicament. His disobedience and failure to seek repentance had already caused him to drift from God (1 Samuel 28:18), but when confronted with the fear of an uncertain situation, things quickly descended into chaos.

King Saul anticipated an attack by the Philistines and was afraid because God was silent to his prayers. In the silence, instead of waiting patiently on God and trusting in him, Saul lost his courage and let fear become his guide instead of God.

Although Saul had already honored God’s wishes (Leviticus 20:6) and banned mediums from Israel (1 Samuel 28:3), he disobeyed God and his own law and sought one out anyway. Saul had his medium contact the specter of Samuel, God’s dead prophet, to find his own answers about the coming war. As you can probably guess, the situation Saul created didn’t resolve peacefully for him. A fear-filled life leads to chaos. A faithful life leads to purpose and peace.

Saul could have chosen to remain faithful and accept the silent answer God gave him. We will never know if his repentance and obedience could have increased his courage and led him to a greater purpose as king.

It is in the silence that God calls us to remain faithful so we are not led into chaos. Like King Saul, fear can easily push us to make ungodly decisions. But remaining faithful directs our purpose, leads us closer to God, and gives us peace.

Colossians 1:23a
But you must continue to believe this truth and stand firmly in it. Don’t drift away from the assurance you received when you heard the Good News.

Are you in a season where you’re drifting from God? If so, what might be the cause?

How do you respond when God is silent?

Where in your life is God calling you to remain faithful?

Next Steps:
Lean into prayer. Talk to a friend or pastor about where you are spiritually. Ask God if there are areas that you need to trust him with.

God, I want to hear your voice during times of uncertainty, but I understand that sometimes silence is your answer. I want to remain faithful, even during these quiet times. Help protect me from pursuing something that is not from you. I am leaning on you today despite my fears. Help me to trust you fully when I am tempted to make a decision without you. Amen.

Series Theme Verse

Matthew 6:33
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

This post was written by Becca Roberts, a regular contributor to the LivingItOut Devotional.

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