
Weekend Series: At the Movies 2023

DreamTeam Writer: David Hammack, Jr.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Sacrifice. It’s a word we probably don’t always love. It means giving up something important or valued for the sake of something or someone else.

Sure, we might like it when other people sacrifice for us—when they give up their preferences or interests for our sake—but when it comes to us sacrificing for others, it’s often a different story. Most people tend to be self-centered and self-focused. We want things our way and on our time. Sacrifice runs directly counter to our self-centered nature, which makes it unnatural for us. 

Thankfully, Jesus does not suffer from the same affliction. He saved us from punishment by giving up his life for us: It was the very thing he came to earth to do. Jesus focused on others, saying that he “did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28 NIV). 

Jesus requests that we give up our own way to follow his example, sacrificing our preferences and self-centered nature. This sacrificial nature Jesus invites us to take on is meant to be done out of love. 

Jesus loved us so much that he gave up everything for us. He wants us to receive his love and, in turn, give it to others. Love must be the only motive for serving others. If there is anything more we hope to gain or prove, then it is not the selflessness Jesus modeled for us. 

True sacrifice comes from a place of deep love for others, which flows from an understanding of the amazing, sacrificial love of Jesus. As we show this kind of love to the people in our lives, including our enemies, we will discover the truth of the apostle Peter’s words.

1 Peter 4:8
Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.

What makes it difficult for you to show sacrificial love to others?

Who is one person you need to love sacrificially?

Next Steps: 
Make a list of the people to whom you should give more sacrificial love. Identify a way you can sacrifice for each person on the list. Then do it!

Flash Fiction is back!! If you want another fun story that captures the theme of this week’s movie, you can find a Flash Fiction story below this post, on the homepage of our app, or have it sent to you directly by texting FICTION to 419-419-0707.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the sacrificial love you displayed through Jesus’ death on the cross for my sins. Help me show the people around me, even my enemies, the same sacrificial love you’ve shown me. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

Series Theme Verse:

Romans 1:20
For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.

This post was written by David Hammack, Jr., a regular contributor to the LivingItOut Devotional.

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