Faith Over Doubt

Weekend Series: Easter 2024

DreamTeam Writer: Monique Myers

Monday, April 1, 2024

The trials of life can bring chaos. Doubt creeps into our hearts like a shadow, obscuring our connection with God. And before we know it, we begin to create stories that drive a wedge between our hearts and those around us. The story of Jesus healing a demon-possessed boy offers insight into the struggle between faith and doubt, and God’s unwavering love.

Imagine the scene: A desperate father brings his son to Jesus to cast out the evil spirit that has plagued the boy since childhood. Despite witnessing the disciples’ inability to heal his son, the father's faith remains. He pleads with Jesus to have mercy, if he can.

Jesus replies: “Anything is possible if a person believes” (Mark 9:23). This declaration is an invitation to embrace faith despite our doubts. God doesn’t condemn us for our wavering belief. He extends his hand to strengthen us in our weakness.

“The father instantly cried out, ‘I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!’” (Mark 9:24).

How often can we relate to this father’s plea? In moments of despair or confusion, we find ourselves torn between belief and doubt. It is in these moments that God meets us with compassion and understanding.

The father’s acknowledgment of his struggle with unbelief shows his faith is authentic. He doesn’t pretend to have it all together or hide his doubts behind false certainty. Instead, he acknowledges his need and lays his heart before Jesus.

Jesus doesn’t turn away from his admission. He performs a miracle that transcends human comprehension, casting out the evil spirit and restoring the boy to wholeness. Jesus remains steadfast. He demonstrates that nothing is impossible for those who trust in him, especially when all hope seems lost.

We are called to confront our doubts with honesty and vulnerability, trusting that God’s grace is more than sufficient to sustain us. Like the father in this story, we can cry out to God, acknowledging our struggle with unbelief, and invite him to strengthen our faith.

The journey from doubt to faith requires humility, perseverance, and an unwavering reliance on God’s power. As we navigate life’s uncertainties, may we echo the father’s prayer, seeking God’s help to overcome our unbelief, knowing that he is ever faithful to meet us in our doubt and lead us into a deeper relationship with him.

Bottom Line: Honesty with Jesus is where a blessed faith begins.

How can you follow the example of the father in Mark 9:24 by acknowledging your doubts and seeking God's help to overcome them?

Reflect on a situation where doubt has threatened to disconnect you from God. How might you invite Jesus into that situation, trusting in his power to bring about transformation despite your uncertainties?

Next Steps: 
Bring your doubts to God, asking for his help to overcome unbelief. Trust that he hears you and is faithful to meet you where you are. Journal your thoughts during this time to track your progress and insights.

Father, teach me to trust in your power, even when circumstances seem bleak and uncertain. May I find assurance in your promises and draw near to you in times of trouble. Fill me with your peace that surpasses all understanding, knowing that you are with me always, guiding me through every trial and tribulation.

Thank you, Lord, for your unwavering love and grace. May your presence be my comfort and strength as I journey through life, navigating the challenges of faith and doubt. Renew my spirit, and lead me into a deeper relationship with you. In Jesus' name, I pray, amen.

Today’s post was written by Monique Myers, a regular contributor to the LivingItOut.

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