Reflections - 12.2.2023

Weekend Series: At The Movies

DreamTeam Writer: Kelly Pagel

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Over this past week, we have considered what it looks like to do hard things—things that aren’t easy but that God calls us to as a light for him. We saw how Jesus did not let the hard things get in the way of his purpose, even when facing death on the cross. In the same way, the apostle Paul encouraged us as he embarked on his mission, fully understanding that suffering would be part of it. We're called to persevere.

Today, I invite you to carve out a few quiet moments to reread the verses that really spoke to you this week. Some possibilities may include Acts 20:22-24 and Galatians 6:9. Then look back on the notes you captured from last Sunday and reflect on the actions you took this week.

You may consider making additional notes as you explore the following questions:

What have you learned about persevering when God calls you to do hard things?

How are you encouraged by the idea that we have been chosen and adopted by God? How does this help you persevere?

Father, thank you for your love, so much so that you adopted us into your family through Christ. As we put our trust in you, you call us into purpose for your kingdom. Though it can feel amazing and exciting, it can also feel challenging. Help us to persevere with all you call us to on this adventure. Let all we say and do bring glory to your holy name. Amen.

Series Theme Verse:

Romans 1:20
For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.

This post was written by Kelly Pagel, Director of the LivingItOut.

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